Colin does a TEDx talk on wayfinding. [vc_video link=''] ← Back to Video Archives  ...

What effect does the city have on your brain and physiology? Colin investigates in Mumbai. [vc_video link=''] Ready for more? Watch BMW-Guggenheim Lab in NYC | BMW-Guggenheim Lab in Berlin | Colin's TEDx Waterloo talk ← Back to Video Archives...

What effect does the city have on your brain and physiology? Colin investigates in Berlin. [vc_video link='']Ready for more? Watch BMW-Guggenheim Lab in NYC | BMW-Guggenheim Lab in Mumbai | Colin's TEDx Waterloo talk← Back to Video Archives...

In "Testing, Testing, Tested" Colin works with the Guggenheim to test the psychological effects of public spaces near the Lab. [vc_video link=''] Ready for more? Watch BMW-Guggenheim Lab in Berlin | BMW-Guggenheim Lab in Mumbai | Colin's TEDx Waterloo talk ← Back to Video Archives...

Built Beautiful: An Architecture & Neuroscience Love Story, narrated by Martha Stewart, features Dr. Ellard and his research. [button size='small' type='normal' border_color='#0a0a64' color='#0a0a64' background_color='' hover_background_color='#00d6f7'  font_style='' text='Visit the Site' link='https://neuro-' target='_self'] [button size='small' type='normal' border_color='#0a0a64' color='#0a0a64' background_color='' hover_background_color='#00d6f7'   font_style='' text='Watch on Amazon' link='' target='_self'] [button size='small'...