Most of my recent musings have appeared on my substack channel, the Wandering Brain, which you can find linked elsewhere on my site and you can read for free anytime. I just thought I would check in here to assure anyone who might be interested...

It has been one crazy year (or three) but I seem to be getting back into regular activity mode, albeit with much longer hair and (still) much more time spent at home than I'm used to. For those of you who have been coming here...

I’m still more-or-less housebound with only walks through the local park to provide environmental variety, but I’m still managing to get out and about online, participating in some interesting events whenever I can. For example, recently I had a chance to do a seminar with...

A couple of years ago, I was recruited by a local church that was struggling with the same issues as most other Christian churches in the Western world – a decrease in attendance and membership, which in turn was leading to financial woes and a...

Colin does a TEDx talk on wayfinding. [vc_video link=''] ← Back to Video Archives  ...

What effect does the city have on your brain and physiology? Colin investigates in Mumbai. [vc_video link=''] Ready for more? Watch BMW-Guggenheim Lab in NYC | BMW-Guggenheim Lab in Berlin | Colin's TEDx Waterloo talk ← Back to Video Archives...

What effect does the city have on your brain and physiology? Colin investigates in Berlin. [vc_video link='']Ready for more? Watch BMW-Guggenheim Lab in NYC | BMW-Guggenheim Lab in Mumbai | Colin's TEDx Waterloo talk← Back to Video Archives...

In "Testing, Testing, Tested" Colin works with the Guggenheim to test the psychological effects of public spaces near the Lab. [vc_video link=''] Ready for more? Watch BMW-Guggenheim Lab in Berlin | BMW-Guggenheim Lab in Mumbai | Colin's TEDx Waterloo talk ← Back to Video Archives...

Built Beautiful: An Architecture & Neuroscience Love Story, narrated by Martha Stewart, features Dr. Ellard and his research. [button size='small' type='normal' border_color='#0a0a64' color='#0a0a64' background_color='' hover_background_color='#00d6f7'  font_style='' text='Visit the Site' link='https://neuro-' target='_self'] [button size='small' type='normal' border_color='#0a0a64' color='#0a0a64' background_color='' hover_background_color='#00d6f7'   font_style='' text='Watch on Amazon' link='' target='_self'] [button size='small'...

Sometime in the spring, I had the pleasure of taking part in an online event called “The City in Mind,” organized by my friend Davide Ruzzon, who wears many hats but whom I know best as the director of IUAV University’s Master’s degree program in...